07 May 2013

Granny Scarf

I am sad that I don't spend so much time crocheting this period. I was completely away from crocheting.
 I went to my parents for three months, because they are in another country, I got sick...etc...etc.
 I spend a lot of time with my baby too, she grows and she has more and more energy.All this not motivated me to crochet. Luckily my aunt's birthday arrived and I  had to do something fast. What can be faster than a scarf?
It is for the first time I used a granny square motif in  my projects.The familiar granny square is a special form of square motif.Although there are many variations on the granny square, but I chose one that I liked a lot and I especially want to thank  Annoo's Crochet World  's blog where I found a granny square pattern that attracted me and I used it as a decoration for the scarf.  
As you see in photos I used the squares like edges and the main stitch of the scarf is double crochet.

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